DURATION:  4 to 8 days
PRICE:  from €75 P/P per day –  Depending on the type of accommodation.
LOCATION: Olbia or Cagliari


Do you want to discover the true Sardinia, find little known places, meet people in their environment and discover unspoiled nature in a relaxing fashion?

We offer you slow tourism options in small groups or individually:

  • A travel in Sardiniathat varies according to where you arrive on the island, whether it be the airport in Cagliari, Olbia or Alghero. This allows us to better adapt your stay. Sardinia is an island that is rarely visited in its entirety. Booking a flight arriving in Cagliari (in the south of the island) and departing from Olbia (in the northeast) is the best option! We can organize itineraries according to your wishes.
  • Authentic tailor made trips, that is our expertise!

All our trips offer:

  • Charming accommodations, either in the middle of nature, or in villages that allow you to discover the real life of Sardinian people.
  • An opportunity to discover agritourism,rural farms, local and organic products, as well as a chance to learn the secrets of Sardinian cuisine through cooking classes!
  • Dinners in the homes of local people (outside of your stay at the farm), is one of our unique offerings. As an agency we want to promote tourism that’s off the beaten track, where you can meet the locals and discover their life. Some of them have an understanding of foreign languages, allowing for a real exchange.

Activities that allow you to try new experiences while discovering the landscape: Hiking and sailing; Meeting Sardinian shepherds; Learning the secrets of Sardinian kitchen; Harvesting the grapes, or picking and producing your own olive oil (depending on the period); walking with Donkeys; hunting Treasure with children; discovering small producers (notably through the Slow Food network, with whom we collaborate), etc.

These people are committed to an environmentally friendly planet. By supporting these producers, local guides & simple workers you can contribute to help small villages in the interior of Sardinia avoid depopulation. (Any of you might fall in love with this island and may want to settle down. We could help you to do it!)

    I hope you have understood from our offers and approach that we want you to discover this island in an original, authentic, and personalized way. Each stay is different according to y

    Because every traveler is different ans everyone has is own dreams and wishes, 
    Sardinia fair travel (Sardaigne en liberté)  helps you to create your tailor-made trip in Sardinia.

    Sardinia fair travel (Sardaigne en liberté)Sardinia’s first agency of sustainable tourism, invites you to travel differently.


    (+33) 649 41 62 42